I started by contacting the two German clinics by e-mail and giving them a summary of why I was interested in visiting the clinic along with my medical history. I heard back from both within 24 hours which was very impressive considering I have made urgent calls to my Oncologist at home and it takes longer than that to get a response.
In terms of treatment recommendations, both offered whole body hyperthermia and complimentary treatments to support the immune system but I found that Herzog was much more focused on chemotherapy. Right away they recommended a moderate dose of chemo which made me nervous given that I have already been down that route and it was not as effective as it should have been given that blood tests show I still have cancer cells floating around in my body. On the other hand, it also seemed like an aggressive course of treatment given that I am in remission, meaning that there are no signs of cancer on my PET/CT scan.
It's so hard to be in this grey zone where circulating tumor cell tests indicate that malignant cancer cells are still present but whatever is happening in my body is microscopic and too small to be detected on imaging. Having said that, it could always be worse and I am thankful that whatever is happening was caught in this "grey zone" and not when it is potentially too late.
In terms of cost, Herzog was around 30,000 EUR for 3 weeks of treatment which I understand is the typical length of time you can expect for your first stay at one of these clinics. Luckily for me, my parents have offered to pay for the treatment so cost did not factor into my decision. The main things I was looking for were treatments that were evidence based, supported my immune system, had been successful for others with triple negative breast cancer.
After contacting Hallwang, I found that they met that criteria. Their treatment recommendation did not include chemotherapy but instead they wanted to test my tumor tissue for tumor associated antigens which would help determine which immunotherapies would be successful. This personalized approach made the most sense to me but unfortunately it comes at a cost. The testing alone was 3,800 EUR which is about $5,500 CAD. A number of different immunotherapies were available based on the results of the screening and when you add in the complimentary treatments, bloodwork and daily rate, they came to around 50,000 EUR for 3 weeks of treatment.
The question I'm sure some people would ask is why spend all of this money when for all intents and purposes, I am cured? I have done everything Western medicine had to offer, my last scan was clear and I have no physical symptoms. This would be a difficult decision for many but seemed pretty clear to me. My decision to pursue additional treatment was based partly on intuition and the fact that all of my research had led me down this path for a reason but also the fear of this cancer coming back. The fact that I am young, my cancer was triple negative, had spread to my lymph nodes and I had residual disease after chemo puts me in a high risk category and I am willing to do anything in my power to lower, or better yet, eliminate that risk.