Regardless, I did manage to do a few google searches the day before surgery and found some helpful tips for getting through a mastectomy: The hospital gave me a list of items to pack but there are other things on this list that I hadn't thought about like downloading some of your favourite movies and songs.
I also found it was helpful to increase my time in the gym leading up to surgery. Throughout chemo I was pretty good about getting out to the gym at least twice a week for an hour. I had read an article about Jennifer Griffin, the FOX news correspondent who was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in 2009. In the article she talked about how exercise and a strict diet became her tamoxifen. Unlike estrogen receptor positive breast cancer, when you are triple negative there are no drugs like Tamoxifen or Zoladex that can be taken after chemo and radiation are complete to prevent recurrence. For triple negative breast cancer, the main way to prevent recurrence is a healthy lifestyle so I figured that exercising regularly would not only help me keep off the extra pounds women commonly gain during chemo but also contribute to my recovery. After chemo ended and before surgery, I increased my exercise to 3-4 days a week.
The only other thing that was recommended is buying a mastectomy camisole or bra. I was once again reminded that breast cancer is usually something older women face upon walking into a local store where everything was obviously made for someone 50+. Thankfully, I managed to find a bra at a store near my hospital where everything on display wasn't something a grandma would wear.
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